Pinned Management Asked: April 19, 2018In: Covid-19Where can I get Covid-19 Tourism Guidelines for Seychelles?Covid-19HealthMinistry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism – Department of TourismMinistry of Health
Management Asked: September 8, 2021In: HealthCan I bring a sample of food or water for testing to the Ministry of Health if I suspect that it is contaminated?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 8, 2021In: HealthWhat do I need to do if I disagree with a decision taken by the Public Health Authority?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 8, 2021In: HealthCan I see a specialist doctor in a regional clinic?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 8, 2021In: HealthIf I am a drug addict, where should I go first for help?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 6, 2021In: HealthWhat happens if a relative dies at home?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 6, 2021In: HealthIf I go on holiday overseas and during my holiday I have an accident or get very ill, will the Government provide me with help to get medical treatment there?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 6, 2021In: HealthIf want to have a surgery, even though a doctor working from the Government health service says it is not necessary, can I pay the Ministry of Health for that service?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 4, 2021In: HealthIs it possible to seek a second opinion on my health condition if I have been to see a doctor at the Government health service or private service and they give me an opinion which I fear may not be correct?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 4, 2021In: HealthIf I have a complaint regarding health care services, where do I go?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority
Management Asked: September 4, 2021In: HealthIf I have been on a self-funded emergency overseas treatment, will I be refunded by the Government?HealthMedicalMinistry of HealthPublic Health Authority