A large number of reefs within the inner granitic islands of the archipelago of Seychelles could be entirely lost, unless concerted action is taken soon to control crown of thorns, warns Dr. Udo Englhardt, the expert on on the management of crown of thorns in a...
Attractions in Seychelles
When it comes to seeking atractions, Seychelles has a wealth of beautiful options. We’ve hand-picked the very most outstanding and beautiful ones in Seychelles to bring you our collection of relaxed romantic retreats– just choose your destination from the list below…

Anse Intendance
Anse is listed as one of the Mahé’s most beautiful beaches. With its frequent big swells and wild waves, this small and secluded crescent of sand on the island’s south coast is a favorite surfing spot. The lack of a protective reef makes swimming a little rough when tradewinds blow from the southeast, but sunbathers, beachcombers, and photographers will enjoy this picturesque, palm-framed strand at any time of year. Turtles nest along the powdery shores here.
Baie Lazare
The pretty village of Baie Lazare was named after 18th-century French explorer Lazare Picault, who landed here when the French government sent him to explore the islands. One of the area’s main tourist attractions is the neo-Gothic Baie Lazare Church, dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, which provides a panoramic view of the area. Luxury resorts fringe the beaches here, and stunning Anse Soleil and Petite Anse are favorites with their striking azure water and dazzling white sand.

Morne Seychellois which is located on the island of Mahé in the Morne Seychellois National Park is the highest peak in Seychelles and covers more than 20 percent of the area of Mahé. The park allows visitors to experience the wonder of the indigenous fauna and flora of Mahé. Parks and trails wind through the park, with marked routes and maps available, and these are probably the best way to experience the Morne Seychellois National Park. Hiking trails ascend into the park from the village of Danzil, passing tea plantations, and offering spectacular views of the southwest coast of Mahé from the mountain slopes.
Victory which is the only major port in the Seychelles is one of the smallest capital in the world. The most attractions here are a clocktower modelled on that of Vauxhall Clock Tower in London, the Courthouse, the Victory Botanical Gardens, the Sir Selwyn-Clarke Market. The city is also home to the national stadium and a polytechnic institute, while the inner harbour lies east of the town, around which tuna fishing and canning form a major local industry. The most promnient historical structure is the clock tower which was erected in 1903 modelled on Little Ben, a small version of Big Ben in London.
Cousin Island
Cousin Island is considered to belong to birds. Unlike any other granitic islands, on Cousin the wildlife is abundant and close at hand. No matter what time of year you visit, you are sure to see a variety of nesting seabirds, foraging birds of the forest, lizards roaming about in the leaf litter in search of food, and a host of invertebrates such as crabs, spiders, millpedes and termites.

Aldarbra Atoll
Ranked as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Aldabra is the world’s largest raised coral atoll. The central lagoon fills and empties twice a day through four channels, revealing mushroom-shaped pinnacles known as champignons. Tiger sharks and manta rays often prowl the shallows, and the atoll is home to thousands of birds, including the white-throated Aldabran rail (the only flightless bird in the Indian Ocean). Also on view are lesser and great frigatebirds, red-footed boobies, dimorphic egrets (found only here and in Madagascar), Aldabra sacred ibis, greater flamingos, and the malagasy kestrel. In addition to its rich avian life, Aldabra is the habitat of 200,000 giant land tortoises – five times as many as theGalapagos.