Management Asked: April 19, 20182018-04-19T02:02:32+04:00 2018-04-19T02:02:32+04:00In: GeneralCan I drink tap water in Seychelles? Can I drink tap water in Seychelles?Related Questions What is the national airline of the Republic of Seychelles? What were your impressions of visiting Seychelles? What should I do if I am having one or more symptoms of COVID-19?Leave an answerCancel replyYou must login to add an answer. Username or email* Password* Captcha* Click on image to update the captcha. Remember Me! Forgot Password? 1 AnswerVotedOldestRecentRandom Management 2021-08-18T02:07:06+04:00Added an answer on August 18, 2021 at 2:07 am Although tap water may be fine in most areas for bathing and brushing teeth, it is recommended that you drink bottled water at all times.
Although tap water may be fine in most areas for bathing and brushing teeth, it is recommended that you drink bottled water at all times.